By halting military aid to bring Zelensky to the negotiation table, US President Donald Trump has fired a shot of common sense across the bows. Like toy poodles barking at a bear, many of these belligerent European countries cannot defend themselves, let alone support Ukraine in its suicide mission.
Together, this pack bark and gnash their teeth, wanting to take a bite of Russia - but without getting uncomfortably close. This passive military aggression has taken every bullet, shell, and missile from the stocks of the EU’s nation state armies. And yet the poodles continue to bare their teeth, not understanding the danger they face in flirting with a seasoned, combat ready force the size of Russia’s military.
Meanwhile, the EU is drowning in wave after wave of illegal immigrants, cultural dilution, and economic woe. They talk the big talk of securing the Ukraine border, but they can’t walk the walk, because they are incapable of turning away unarmed illegals at their own borders.
European politicians and the mainstream media would have you believe that the people of Europe fully support this behaviour. Nothing could be further from the truth. Europe is dying of neglect, abuse, and stuck fast in the whimsical belief that the glory days of colonialism persist.
By halting US military aid to Ukraine, Trump has revealed the Euro-emperor’s walk-in wardrobe to be bare. Scrambling to make sense of the situation, European leaders are falling over themselves to console the bruised and battered Zelensky, and bask in the increased media coverage they ‘earn’. Like vultures circling a corpse, the EU Commission and the UK are simply waiting in-line for the lions to finish feeding, so they can reap the bounty of the leftovers.
Whether it is the value of the Ukrainian earth from an agricultural or industrial perspective, the grubby hands of policymakers and industrialists are eager to descend and satiate their hunger.
Rare earths. This is the refrain to which we have become accustomed. The heart of the dying beast. Russia wants it to sell to China, the US want it to beat China, and the Europeans want it because, well, they just don’t want to play second fiddle on their own doorsteps. Like a dog chasing a car, they would not know what to do with rare earth if it was handed to them on a plate.
So, as the EU descends into cultural chaos, its leaders, braying like the asses they are for more ‘military aid’ for Ukraine, take a moment to think of the boys in the trenches. Those being blown to smithereens with European armaments, having their deaths forever captured on drone cameras. Think of the parents, the wives and children of these men who are being asked to die for their countries, when they are just pawns in a global technology race. Just think. And then consider if you are willing to spare your children next.
The time for peace negotiations has long since passed. With the removal of US military aid, we may soon see some sense return to the endless rhetoric we have become accustomed to hearing.
For God’s sake, let’s end this tragedy!